
Carmi-White County High School  

_______Bulldog P.R.I.D.E._______________________________________          

800 West Main Street Brad Lee, Superintendent

Carmi, IL 62821 Jarrod Newell, Principal

618.382.4661 Bart King, Assistant Principal

618.382.2453 Fax

To:  All CWC Students & Parent/Guardians

From:  Penny Gunter, Ed.D, CWCHS Guidance Counselor

Date:  04/07/21

RE:   New Updated ISBE/Collegeboard Announcement- SAT/PSAT Test Day- 4/13/21

Dear Students & Parents/Guardians,

Senior Students:  ISBE has waived the requirement of taking the SAT School Day for a   graduation requirement.  Senior students are NOT REQUIRED to take this test this year.  If you would still like to take the SAT for your own purposes, you may do so, but you must contact Dr. Gunter to put your name on the roster to test by this Friday, April 9, 2021.  There is no fee to

  test.  Students that have already tested in the fall cannot be re-tested this spring.

Junior Students:  ISBE has eliminated the essay portion of the SAT School Day   Assessment. However, it is still a requirement for all juniors to take this exam. This applies to all junior remote learners as well. 

Sophomore and Freshmen Students:  ISBE has eliminated the administration of the PSAT 9/10 for this year.  There WILL BE NO PSAT 9/10 test administration for the state.  HOWEVER,  we will still be administering a form of the PSAT 9/10 to our students at the district level.  This will afford our students the opportunity to still be in “practice” for state standardized testing as well as allow our school (and district) to have data on the students.  Since we weren’t able to test last year, it is critical to have that information for our students and teachers this year. This applies to all freshmen and sophomore remote learners as well. 

Please be advised that if you are remote, you are still required to adhere to the same safety precautions as face to face students. You will need to wear a mask in the building at all times, check in at the door with a temperature/symptoms check, and practice social distancing.  If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at the school.  

Thank you for your flexibility in the schedule of our state standardized testing this year!


Penny Barton-Gunter, Ed.D

CWCJHS & CWCHS Guidance Counselor

*** Parents/Guardians of 11th/12th-grade students, please use the link below to access the Participation in College Planning Options Consent Form from SAT.  Forms are also available in the school office.  Please let us know if you have any questions.