CUSD #5 will be postponing school dismissal for today 3/12/20 due to severe weather warnings. Students will be dismissed as soon as weather permits.

Due to possible inclement weather, WAC will not have tutoring today (3/12). Also tonight's volleyball game against Gallatin County is cancelled.

6th Grade Boys' Track Practice - Cancelled for today (3/12)

Coronavirus Disease Information from the CDC

Book Fair -
March 16-20
Students will have the opportunity to shop before school, at lunch, and from 2:30-3:00. This year, everyone has the opportunity to shop online using the following link: https://bookfairs.scholastic.com/bf/washingtonattendancecenter

Great Job 6th Grade Lady Pullpups! 1st Place Champs at The Harrisburg Shootout!

Tumble Time Infinity Elite earned first place and grand champions this weekend and just received a first place bid to nationals! Congratulations to Sophia Hammell, Chole Shelton, Callie Winter, Ellah Carter, Sophia Thomason, Lillee Dodgson, and the rest of the Tumble Time Cheer Squad.

It's that time of the year again!! We will be hosting Cosmic Bingo on March 27 at 6pm! Doors open at 5 pm. We will have fun-filled intermissions with a variety of activities. Admission - $15 in advance, $20 at the door, Table of 8 for $115. Any businesses that want to sponsor students, please call 382-4631. To cut down on the line at the door, this year you can pick up your bingo bag on Thursday, March 26 from 8am-5pm at the school. All the proceeds fund the PBIS program which supplies the Bulldog Buck Store and the monthly incentives! Registration forms can be picked up in the office.

After experimenting with chemical reactions in class, fifth graders watched one of Mrs. Haley's Chemistry 2 classes present on chemical reactions. The high school went live on Facebook, so check out the video!

WAC is super proud of this young lady! She won the state Elk's hoop shoot on Saturday. She will be moving on to regionals in Iowa City. This young lady is an inspiration to us all with a great attitude and a smile that never leaves her face. Great job Addison Elliott!!

So thankful for our community law enforcement!

Congratulations to Addy Lamont! Addy’s competitive cheer team got 1st place this past weekend at Jamfest in Evansville. Her team also WON a BID to the D1 SUMMIT cheer competition at Disney World!!! This is a huge accomplishment for her and her team to be able to go to such a prestigious event. We are so proud of you!

We have an early dismissal tomorrow (2/14) at 12:10 pm. We will have no school on Monday, 2/17 for President's Day. Happy Valentine's Day!

Congratulations to Myles Barnett!! Myles won 3rd Place In the S3DA Vegas National Tournament! This is a great accomplishment!

4th and 5th Graders!
February 10th-13th, 2020

All girls interested in participating in the 6th-grade volleyball exhibition season MUST turn in an athletic agreement and proof of insurance to the office by 2/14. Also, there will be a mandatory parent meeting following the first practice that will be on February 14 at WAC from 5:15-6:30.

Band, Choir, and Basketball Pictures will be taken Tuesday, February 4. All students who participate in these activities should have an order form.

February Breakfast and Lunch Menus

Candy Valograms for a Valentine’s Day Project
WAC will be selling valograms for $1 to send to friends. We will be selling candy valograms Feb 3-12, in the mornings in the gym, for delivery on the 14th! Proceeds will go to funding a Valentine’s Day project. The project will consist of fifth graders making appreciation bags for local law enforcement. The baggie will have different types of candy goodies to show how much we appreciate all that they do for our community.

Yearbooks are now on sale. Order forms went home with students today. The cost is $12. Forms need to be turned in by February 14.